How Long Does It Take to Upgrade Your Discharge?

How Long Does It Take to Upgrade Your Discharge?

The character of your military service matters greatly when you leave the military. Your ability to access benefits, including VA disability benefits, depends on the nature of your service. If you received a dishonorable discharge, for example, you can find that most veterans benefits will be inaccessible to you.  Some veterans earn a less-than-honorable discharge…

What to Know About the VA Benefits Before Discharge Program 

What to Know About the VA Benefits Before Discharge Program 

You likely know that you are entitled to seek VA disability benefits for a service-connected injury or illness that impairs your ability to work. What you might not realize is that you do not have to wait until you have been discharged before starting your claim. With the VA’s Benefits Delivery at Discharge (BDD) program,  …

Obtaining VA Disability Benefits for Schizophrenia 

Obtaining VA Disability Benefits for Schizophrenia 

Schizophrenia is a mental health condition that impacts about 24 million people worldwide. Although it is not as common as other conditions like anxiety and depression, it can still manifest with painful and unpleasant symptoms, such as:  It is not unusual for schizophrenia to begin developing within a person during their late teens and early…

Most Common VA Malpractice Claims

Most Common VA Malpractice Claims

As a veteran, you are able to receive medical care and treatment from VA medical facilities and hospitals. As dedicated as many of these professionals and staff are to their work, they are still human and, therefore, still capable of making errors. Unfortunately, when these errors and lapses of judgment happen, you are the one…

How Multiple Conditions and Disabilities Combine in Your Claim

How Multiple Conditions and Disabilities Combine in Your Claim

Military service can affect individuals in unique and multiple ways. For example, suppose that you served as an infantryman in Afghanistan and saw combat. Your experience on the battlefield may have left you with numerous conditions, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), hearing loss, and back pain. Another soldier may have lost an arm or leg…

How Hard is it to Get a 100 Percent Disability Rating? 

How Hard is it to Get a 100 Percent Disability Rating? 

You have applied for VA disability benefits in Ohio or elsewhere and have just received your award letter in the mail. Contained within that award letter is an explanation of the VA’s decision, including the disability rating it has assigned to your claim. The higher this disability rating is, the more benefits the VA believes…